Lumberjanes 1-7 (7)

 I'm glad Lumberjanes was on the reading list since I always wanted to read it, I know a lot of people talk about this series and how similar it is to the show, Gravity Falls; like how both have a similar setting and there is an overall supernatural mystery happening. I can tell that it is meant for younger audiences but I find it still an enjoyable read and I do find myself engaged in wanting to know what is happening in the camp. I also find the cast of characters to be great and diverse, I also like the representation that is there which is great for younger audiences like the obvious romantic interest between Molly and Mal, and that Jo is trans. It is great they have that kind of representation especially for younger audiences and it is a positive representation too. I enjoy the female empowerment the campers have and how strong and individual they are and when they work together they are an absolute force. I like that April who looks the least physically imposing is actually the strongest of the campers as she beat the giant living statue in an arm-wrestling match. I really want to pick up the series now after reading the seven issues, I just like all the different adventures they go on the tidbits of the mystery here and there, I find the pacing good and engaging. I'm invested in the story and after that seventh issue, I need to know what is going to happen to Jo!


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