Jack Kirby (3)
Before this class and diving into Jack Kirby's work, I knew the basics of Kirby then after reading the History of comics it opened my eyes to the hardships he went through but overall Jack Kirby is such a legend when it comes to comics. His work is always so dynamic and vibrant too when it comes to the colors in his work. It is a shame that while Stan Lee and Kirby had a collaborative relationship in Marvel, Stan Lee held more of the limelight. While it was not my particular favorite read Best of Young Romance did have dramatic stories that were filled which cliches (maybe not for the time) but it is interesting reading the Young Romance's stories since I mostly associate Kirby with superhero comics but it just shows his range of work and how versatile he is. Looking over Kirby's storyboards for the Fantastic Four storyboards they are wonderful. They are very clean and simple but still getting the bigger across. I like how he would combine boards to get this big picture but it is not overly complex. While his boards are very clean and simple the boards are still very dynamics. My last read was New Gods and I like the world within the story and the use of colors he used within the comics is sometimes a lot but somehow I think it works well together. I also think the art was great and had some dynamic panels that are not too much and are easy to read.
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